England - War On All Fronts - 04 May to 05 May 1941

04 May 1941: Thankyou, France. The more the merrier.
The Soviets only have two allies.
Thankyou, Germany. We also need to liberate Ethiopia.
These three units should be able to help clean up the Soviet forces on the Polish-Lithuanian border.
05 May 1941: Research has been completed on Improved Anti-Tank Upgrade I....
....and I select Anti-Air Upgrade from Royal Arsenal next.
My current Research projects. Most of our attacks are looking good.
I decline the offer. That's peanuts.
I do this for all five nations at the top of the screen.
I go on the offensive in Northern Italy. The French appear to be asleep.
I dedicate Air Support to 1st Army....
....but the 22nd RAF Fighter Wing has the Air Superiority mission over the Alpine Region.
I activate Anzac Army and it attacks into Libya.
I order the Mediterranean Fleet to patrol in the Eastern Mediterranean.
I transfer The Tank Brigade (Egypt) to 1st Army. (I should have transferred it to the Anzac Army.)
I create Army Sudan from units in the Mediterranean Army and assign it to the Sudan-Ethiopian border.
I assign Aden Defence Force to Army Sudan.
I also assign the Sudan Defence Force to Army Sudan.
Army Sudan on the move.
The Italians are very active near Malta.
The Italians are also being attacked in NE Italy from Austria and Yugoslavia. This was a crazy move by Mussolini.
I add Army India to the Libyan Offensive.
I'm very pleased with the results so far. We have the iniative in Europe and North Africa. 
