Germany - StuG III and Panzer-Division40 - 05 Oct to 23 Oct 1939

05 Oct 1939: I already have a Main Battle Tank, the Panzer IV A2, so I want to create the StuG III based on the Panzer III Chassis.
I update with the MAN Traits....
....then change the One Man Turret to the Medium Fixed Superstructure.
I also switch to the Basic Medium Cannon which turns it into a Tank Destroyer.
I now add Basic Radio and Sloped Armour.....
....then Additional Machineguns and Smoke Launchers.
I give it Level 8 Engine and Level 6 Armour. StuG III is technically the wrong name because it should be called Jagdpanzer III, (Tank Destroyer III). Maybe I'll change it later.
I put it into production....
....replacing the obsolete Panzer I B.
To produce this I need more Chromium from Turkey....
....and more Tungsten from Portugal.
Bulgaria joins the Axis.
I unlock the Naval Doctrine Convoy Interdiction and the Air Doctrine Formation Fighting.
06 Oct 1939: In the Army Production I replace the Karabiner 98k with the MP 38.
The trained Destroyer Z7 Hermann Schoemann is assigned to Hochseeflotte....
....and the Type VII U-43 is assigned to III U-Boots Flottille.
I unlock the Air Doctrine Hunt and Destroy.
08 Oct 1939: I duplicate the Panzer-Division template to create the Panzer-Division40 then change a Light Tank Battalion to a Medium Tank Destroyer Battalion.
18 Oct 1939: Rheinmetall receives the Trait Gun Mass Production. Nice bonuses there.
23 Oct 1939: I decide to add another Light Tank Battalion to the Panzer-Division40. This is not 1945.
I still need Anti-Air Support as well as Field Hospital and a couple more Motorized Infantry Battalions. 
