Germany - German Aircraft Carriers? - 09 Dec 1938 to 24 Jan 1939

09 Dec 1938: There's only one war?
12 Dec 1938: I remind Holland about Trade again.
15 Dec 1938: The trained Polish U-Boot is assigned to II. U-Boots Flottille.
19 Dec 1938: I assign a 10th Military Factory to Panzer II A production.
26 Dec 1938: I plan for 15 Military Factories to be assigned to Bf 109 E production.
29 Dec 1938: Messerschmitt receives the Trait Liquid-Cooled Engines.
The check mark means 'Apply to Current Production', i.e. I need to update the model being produced.
31 Dec 1938: The Reich at the end of 1938. It was a good year.
My Logistics chart shows that we have a lot of equipment stockpiled.
01 Jan 1939: I assign General Ferdinand Schörner to the Military High Command. They are good Bonuses for the Infanterie.
I unlock the Air Doctrine Direct Ground Support.
I add Support Anti-Air to the SS Panzer-Division template.
09 Jan 1938: Research has been completed on All-or-Nothing Armour Scheme....
....and I select Deck Conversions next.
My current Research projects. We shall receive the Heavy Field Howitzer at the end of the month. The Resistance Levels in former Poland are looking great.
10 Jan 1939: Germaniawerft receives the Trait Semi-Armour-Piercing Shells.
21 Jan 1939: I remind the Dutch again.
I also select Anti-Communist Raids. In the long run it increases Stability.
24 Jan 1939: The 9. and 11. Panzer-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training.
The trained 1. SS-Panzer-Division is assigned to I. Panzerkorps....
....and 5 Infanterie-Divisionen are assigned to 4. Armee at the Yugoslavian border.
What will we achieve in the New Year? 
