Germany - Operation Barbarossa (VII) - 07 Jul to 30 Jul 1941

07 Jul 1941: We do have the upper hand here.
13 Jul 1941: We are encircling the enemy and will deal with them one pocket at a time.
14 Jul 1941: We have encircled 7 Soviet divisions here.
17 Jul 1941: Daugavpils is about to fall and I attack northwards from Pskov.
19 Jul 1941: It's time to think about a push to capture Leningrad.
The 6. SS-Division 'Nord' has been deployed and is placed in training.
Four trained Sturm-Divisionen are assigned to Armee Nord 2.
Another pocket west of Tula is being eliminated.
20 Jul 1941: Afterwards they are ordered to the Battle of Moscow.
21 Jul 1941: The Swiss are very active.
I send more divisions to attack Moscow.
22 Jul 1941: Two more divisions are added.
24 Jul 1941: The Focus War with the USSR has been bypassed.
I select the Focus Rocketry next.
I order 15 Sturm-Divisionen to Stettin.
I assign 12 Kavallerie-Divisionen to 1. Kavallerie Armee.
I order 2. Armee (Yugoslavian) to Batumi,
25 Jul 1941: We've capture Stalingrad. Where was the pop-up?
We are getting nearer to Leningrad.
27 Jul 1941: The USA has joined the Allies.
29 Jul 1941: We are at the gates of Moscow.
30 Jul 1941: I order the 12. Sturm-Division to support the attack.
The fall of Moscow and Leningrad will mark the end of Phase 1. 
