Germany - Army and Navy Reorganization - 08 Jun to 17 Jun 1942
08 Jun 1942: I've been expecting that.
10-11 Jun 1942: Correction: This is where I intervene to bring these 3 divisions 'home'.15 Jun 1942: Two down, one to go. Yugoslavia will be next.
17 Jun 1942: There are many divisions in the Wehrmacht which now need further training because of losses and subsequent replacements. One division in the Fallschirmkorps.
5 divisions in I. Panzerarmee an 1 division in III. Panzerarmee.
Three divisions in II. Panzerarmee and 1 division in 4. Panzerarmee.
Four divisions in Armee Ost and 3 divisions in Armee Mitte.
I transfer untrained divisions from 1. Kavallerie Armee to 2. Kavallerie Armee....
....and trained divisions from 2. Kavallerie Armee to 1. Kavallerie Armee.
The 2. Kavallerie Armee is now a Training Armee.
The Abwehr receives a new Operative - the Scotsman Becruz.
The Heavy Cruiser Seydlitz and 7 Destroyers are assigned to I'm not sure
My Fleets appear to be somewhat scrambled. Where did this Task Force come from?
I'm calling this Marineschule Köslin and I'll visit the Kriegsmarine at a later date.
My Capital Ships production.
I'm placing the III. U-Boots Flottille on hold and ordering it to Ludendoff-Leningrad.
None of the U-Booten have gained combat experience.
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