Germany - Operation Barbarossa (I) - 19 Apr to 23 Apr 1941
19 Apr 1941: First a few extras. This will bring me up to 100% War Support.
This will give me a productivity boost for 180 days. Hopefully the campaign will be over by then.I'm taking care of Lapland first so that I don't forget it.
These guys are too far from the Front for an Airborne assault.
The plans for every division. Nothing less than 8 Armies involved plus Lapland and the Fallschirmjäger.
I see 'green' every where and we have captured Gomel - an important rail hub.
It's looking good in the South too. Romania is a low priority for me because I want to breakthrough N. of Romania and reach Crimea which would encircle all Soviet divisions in the South.
I'm ordering 5 Jagdgeschwader forward from Lower Austria to Moldova.
This time you won't lose and you can have Leningrad.
The 1. Fallschirmjäger-Division has successfully captured Chernigov.
Making sure that we link up with them.
20 Apr 1941: We took that into account, Ivan.
We accept. Others can handle them.
21 Apr 1941: We don't do business with Mexico.
They are well supplied.
22 Apr 1941: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Machine-Assisted Decryption (II)....
....and I select Machine-Assisted Decryption (III) next
23 Apr 1941: We've almost broken through here too. I order the 6. Sturm-Division to link up with our two Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen.
The Soviets have lost a Submarine.
It's looking good so far.
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