Germany - Italy Capitulates - 14 Nov 1941 to 12 Jan 1942

14 Nov 1941: Research has been completed on Recon Company II....
....and I select Recon Company III next. 
My current Research projects.
24 Nov 1941: I add 8 Dockyards to the Construction queue.
I order von Manstein's III: Panzerarmee to Kazan.
I move elements of Armee Ost and I: Panzerarmee to help clear this resistance.
29 Nov 1941: The production of key equipment. We are not short of Artillery - that shows how many still need to be upgraded with the 15 cm Field Howitzer.
30 Nov 1941: Mussolini has been defeated. Yugoslavia was liberated (?). I doubt that.
Research has been completed on Field Hospital II.
Why the 1. Kavallerie Armee's divisions are moving is beyond me. The border looks the same.
I select to research Advanced Oil Processing next.
My updated list of Research projects.
14 Dec 1941: The juggernaut is about to pass through the Soviet defences.
26-28 Dec 1941: Pockets in our rear are being neutralized.
30 Dec 1941: Our next objective is Kirov.
01 Jan 1942: Indeed unfortunate.
05 Jan 1942: The Soviets are defending Kirov?
09 Jan 1942: The II. Panzerarmee supports Army Nord 2.
12 Jan 1942: This salient needs to be neutralized.
The Wehrmacht is performing well despite it being Winter deep inside Russia and a long way from home. 
