Germany - The Blücher Class Heavy Cruiser - 13 Nov to 10 Dec 1939

13 Nov 1939: I begin with the 1940 Cruiser Hull.
I select Cruiser Engine III and Cruiser Armour III.
I then add Secondary Battery II, S Gerät and Fire Control1.
Next I add Anti-Air II and 3 x Heavy Cruiser Battery II.
I then select Improved Floatplane Catapult II....
....and 2 x Anti-Air II
The Blücher Class Heavy Cruiser from Germaniawerft.
My current Naval production.
15 Nov 1939: I deploy the 1. SS-Division early and then start recruiting Sturm-Divisionen instead of Infanterie-Divisionen.
The 1. SS-Division is placed in training.
The frontline in Finland. The situation isn't critical yet.
The trained Destroyer Z17 is assigned to Hochseeflotte....
....and the Type VII U-Booten U-44 and U-45 are assigned to III. U-Boots Flottille.
I ask Greece for Docking Rights and they are granted.
17 Nov 1939: I also ask for Military Access and it is approved.
10 Dec 1939: I order I. U-Boots Flottille to patrol the Adriatic Sea.
I want to able to see what Mussolini is up to. 
