Germany - Further Kriegsmarine Expansion - 07 Jun to 17 Jul 1940

07 Jun 1940: I start a 3rd 1940 Destroyer Production line at Blohm & Voss.
16 Jun 1940: Heinkel receives the Trait Skip Bombing.
19 Jun 1940: Mauser receives the Trait Anti-Vehicle Land Mines.
27 Jun 1940: Research has been completed on Depth Charge Mortar....
....and I select 1940 Submarine Hull from Blohm & Voss next.
A list of my current Research projects.
01 Jul 1940: It's time to remind the Dutch again.
Messerschmitt receives the Trait Maintenance First Design.
The trained 4. Fallschirmjäger-Division is assigned to the Fallschirmkorps.
05 Jul 1940: I desire to Improve Relations with Yugoslavia because -14 is too low.
That is probably their plan to take Bessarabia from Romania.
06 Jul 1940: I commence producing Convoys (Merchants).
12 Jul 1940: Ten Sturm-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training.
15 Jul 1940: We have completed researching Improved Medium Airframe....
....and I select Improved Equipment Conversions next.
My updated Research projects.
Focke-Wulf receives the Trait Escort Designs.
17 Jul 1940: The Tirpitz and 3 Type VII U-Booten have been launched and are sent to Marineschule Kiel.
The trained Destroyers Z23 and Z25 are assigned to Hochseeflotte....
....while 4 trained Type VII U-Booten are assigned to III. U-Boots Flottille.
The trained 13. and 20. Panzer-Divisionen are assigned to III. Panzerkorps.
The Hochseeflotte is now fairly large but no match for the Royal Navy's High Seas Fleet. 
