Germany - Further Organization and Redeployment (II) - 06 Jul to 04 Aug 1942
06 Jul 1942: I assign 5. Armee to the French border.
09 Jul 1942: Twelve Kavallerie-Divisionen have been deployed and I assign them to 2. Kavallerie Armee.The new 416. Sturm-Division is assigned to 6. Armee.
I've created V. U-Boots Flottille using trained Type XXI U-Booten.
14 Jul 1942: I commence training of the captured Russische Flotte in the Eastern North Sea.
I move the I. and II. U-Boots Flottillen to Wesr-Ems Naval Base.
I select Region-wide Industrial Integration to create a new Building Slot in Thüringen.
The trained 256. Sturm-Division is assigned to Armee Ost. I want to increase the Armee to 24 Sturm-Divisionen.
I combine Army 1 with Armee Nord.
18 Jul 1942: The Abwehr is upgraded with Government Cypher School (II)....
....and I select Navay Department next.
I decide to create an Intel Network in Spain.
The Resistance Levels in the Reich.
My Logistics Fulfillment is excellent.
21 Jul 1942: I order 4. Armee to garrison the Gdynia region.
I move the Fallschirmkorps to Bohemia
I transfer the LLG 1 to Bohemia.
03 Aug 1942: I disband this Kampfgeschwader so that the aircraft can be used elsewhere.
04 Aug 1942: I increase Support Equipment production to 20 Military Factories.
I order LG Greifswald to Bohemia....
....and TS Condor too. All Airborne assets are in one place.
I believe that I have most of post-Conflict actions taken care of.
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