Germany - Early Preparations For Russian Campaign - 24 Oct to 13 Nov 1939

24 Oct 1939: Research has been completed on Oil Processing....
....and I select Improved Oil Processing next.
My current Research projects.
27 Oct 1939: I remind the Dutch again.
28 Oct 1939: Good. The Finns are giving the Soviets a run for their money.
01 Nov 1939: The Focus Synthetic Rubber has been completed....
....and I select First Vienna Award next. Let's continue our peaceful Balkan strategy.
Opel has received the Trait Bulletproof Panels.
02 Nov 1939: I create 2 new Geschwader in Tyrol.
04 Nov 1939: I create Armee Ost using 10 trained Infanterie-Divisionen and assign it to a portion of our long border with the Soviet Union.
08 Nov 1939: The trained 90. Infanterie-Division (mot.) is assigned to II. Panzerkorps.
11 Nov 1939: Messerschmitt receives the Trait Advanced Aerodynamics.
It applies to my current production.
13 Nov 1939: The Research has also been completed on 1930 Cruiser Hull....
....and I select 1940 Destroyer Hull from Blohm & Voss next.
My updated Research projects list.
Now I can hopefully build a modern Kriegsmarine. 
