Germany - Assigning Dedicated Air Support - 01 Mar to 10 Mar 1941

01 Mar 1941: Still no movement in the French Alps. Sorry the Italians have advanced NW of Torino.
We are still holding the line in Hellas.
The British are advancing on Tobruk.
The French have advanced towards Tripoli but there are scarcely any forces there.
Italian East Africa is almost non existent.
02 Mar 1941: Where's all the Air Power? The Abwehr has been upgraded with Machine-Assisted Decryption (I).
Italy has NOT declared war on Yugoslavia despite having thw justified war goal. Mussolini has enough on his plate.
I deploy 12 Kavallereie-Divisionen early and assign them to the border with Italian (see next pic).
06 Mar 1941: The Focus Anti-Comintern Pact has been completed....
....and I select Long-Range Escorts next,
07 Mar 1941: I want to assign a Jagdgeschwader and a Stukageschwader to each Panzerkorps. I begin with I. Panzerkorps....
....then II. Panzerkorps.
Next is III. Panzerkorps....
followed by 1. SS-Panzerkorps.
Several Gescchwader require further Pilot Exercises.
I order a Schlachtgeschwader to Königsberg.
08 Mar 1941: I order it Pilot Exercises.
The Küstenfliegergruppe in Hinterpommern is ordered to Königsberg.
I want to start Operation Barbarossa in mid-April so I Justify War Goal now.
I want to send an Attaché to the United Kingdom....
....but they will refuse.... I cancel the idea and save 100 PP.
40 days and counting. 
