Germany - Estonia is Liberated - 05 Sep to 28 Sep 1941

05 Sep 1941: We lost 4 Merchants in the Gulf of Finland.
10 Sep 1941: Crazy.
II. Panzerarmee in action N. of Moscow.
11 Sep 1941: Looking good!
13 Sep 1941: The Soviets are pushed back and we keep up the pressure.
16 Sep 1941: We have captured Yaroslavl and Ivanovo. All bring Victory Points.
We are hunting VP's in the frozen North too.
19 Sep 1941: We do have a Supply problem there and are missing a lot of equipment.
20 Sep 1941: Research has been completed on Advanced Machine Tools....
....and I select Construction III next.
My current Research projects.
21 Sep 1941: The end phase in Estonia.
24 Sep 1941: I add 5 Sturm-Divisionen to the assault.
26 Sep 1941: It's almost over.
Estonia is liberated.
I order Armee Nord to the frontline. There's more work to do.
Our losses are increasing but there are 4 Soviet dead for each one of ours. They are now 71% towards capitulation.
28 Sep 1941: Germaniawerft receives the Trait Gyro-Stabilized Mounts.
I unlock the Air Doctrines Ground Support Integration as well as Naval Strike Torpedo Tactics.
I also unlock the Special Forces Doctrine Battlefield Intelligence....
....and the Land Doctrine Schwerpunkt....
....and finally the Naval Doctrine Capital Ship Raiders.
That was a lot of Doctrines. 
