Germany - The Abwehr, Trade and Heavy Cruisers - 13 Nov to 18 Dec 1942

13 Nov 1942: I need to adjust my Trade. I import Aluminium from Norway....
....and increase Rubber imports from the Dutch East Indies.
14 Nov 1942: I reduce Steel imports from Sweden.
15 Nov 1942: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Anti-Partisan (I)....
....and I select Anti-Partisan (II) next.
22 Nov 1942: I order Pilot Exercises for 6 Geschwader in Oberbayern....
....and Jagdgeschwader 19 in Württemberg.
25 Nov 1942: Research has been completed on Advanced Medium Tank Chassis....
....and I select Advanced Small Airframe from Focke Wulf next.
My current Research projects.
28 Nov 1942: Good work, guys.
29 Nov 1942: These will be the last 1940 Heavy Cruisers to be built.
I increase the number of Dockyards assigned and now all 3 will be completed next month.
I import more Steel from Hungary.
02 Dec 1942: A setback.
I start organizing a Rescue mission.
08 Dec 1942: I select Initiate Press Censorship.
15 Dec 1942: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Anti-Partisan (II)....
....and I select Localized Training Centres next.
18 Dec 1942: I create 2 Jagdgeschwader at Gdynia and order Pilot Exercises.
I can soon produce the Panzer V 'Panther' but I need more Army XP first. 
