Germany - The New Infanterie-Division (mot.) - 11 Sep to 31 Oct 1938

11 Sep 1938: Research has been completed on Rubber Processing....
....and I select Improved Machine Tools next.
My current Research projects.
17 Sep 1938: My non-Panzer Army production and everything is being stockpiled.
24 Sep 1938: I add a couple of Oil Refineries to my Construction queue.
25 Sep 1938: I order Pilot Exercises for two Geschwader in Westfalen.
27 Sep 1938: The same for one Geschwader in Lwów.
28 Sep 1938: Also for a Geschwader in Lower Austria.
29 Sep 1938: We have also researched Basic Medium Tank Chassis....
....and I select 15 cm sFH 18 from Rheinmetall next.
My updated Research list.
MAN has received the Trait Armour Steel-Working.
I select Martin Bormann as a Political Advisor. The +15% Political Power Gain is useful.
02 Oct 1938: I'm now receiving 1.78 PP per day.
11 Oct 1938: I want to start recruiting Infanterie-Divisionen (mot.) but I need to add Support Anti-Tank and a Field Hospital first.
Done. Later I'll add a Light Tank Battalion. I'll have plenty of Panzer II's when the newer Panzer arrive.
I start recruiting in Brandenburg.
20 Oct 1938: The 221. Infanterie-Division and the 1. Fallschirmjäger-Division have been deployed and are placed in training.
23 Oct 1938: Four Infanterie-Divisionen have been deployed and are sent to the Armeeschule.
31 Oct 1938: Finally I remind the Dutch again.
The Wehrmacht is slowly but surely beginning to take shape. 
