UK - Training and a New King - 02 May to 19 Jun 1936

02 May 1936: The last 3 remaining divisions in Reserve Army are now fully-trained and are transferred to Home Army....
....and 2 divisions from African Army are assigned to Temporary Army.
10 May 1936: I looked at this but decided to spend 100 PP's elsewhere.
20 May 1936: The Focus Reinforce the Empire has been completed...and the Germans appear to have chosen "Oppose Hitler" in March thus the Civil War.
I select Steady as She Goes as my next Focus which will strengthen my Stability and Democracy.
The new frontline in Germany. This is a blessing for the UK because the victor in Germany will emerge less than half as strong as Nazi Germany, i.e. no longer a military threat for western Europe.
I order the trained Western Approaches Fleet back to port....
....then select North Atlantic Fleet and transfer 2 Cruisers to the Training Fleet....
....before ordering Naval Exercises for the remainder of the fleet.
Germany is in the headlines again.
23 May 1936: Two Brigades from the Mediterranean Army are transferred to Army Temporary.
29 May 1936: General Anderson cost 100 PP and 20 Command points but he is worth the cost because of the Army XP gain per day.
I transfer my 4 Aircraft Carriers from the Home Fleet to the Training Fleet.
Giffard is commanding my Mediterranean forces so he can have leave until he is fully recovered.
The composition of the Training Fleet.
04 Jun 1936: Research has been completed on Basic Machine Tools....
....and I continue with Basic Engine for my armour.
My current Research. The Hawker Hurricane will arrive in 2 months.
12 Jun 1936: Sorry, Edward but you are expendable.
13 Jun 1936: I transfer HMS Wryneck to the Training Fleet then order the North Atlantic Fleet back to port.
The 2nd Submarine Flotilla enters Naval Exercises.
19 Jun 1936: King Edward VIII abdicates and he is succeeded by King George VI. (His name is actually Albert but that is considered too German for an English King.)
A lot of training is being accomplished and we have another new King. How long will he be on the throne? 
