Germany - New China Strategy and Forces Upgrades - 27 Jul to 31 Jul 1942

27 Jul 1942: I upgrade my Gebirgs-Divisionen by adding a Field Hospital to its template.
Let's see if improving the Railway in Belarus will help solve the Supply problem.
We'll find out in 49 days.
Wonderful! 'Green Zeros' in the Caucasus.
28 Jul 1942: I add an Armoured Reconnaissance Company to Panzerjäger KG.
29 Jul 1942: The Bulgarians can be very persistent.
30 Jul 1942: There are mostly 'Yellow Zeros' in the Ukraine and neighbouring regions.
I've found the Union of Socialist Republics. Their 4th International has a lot of allies - all appear to be Japan and it's puppets.
I quit this strategy in the north because I don't have enougn divisions to conquer Japan.
Let's attack Shanxi instead and take it out of the 4th International.
31 Jul 1942: I prepare a Lend Lease package for Latvia. I give them Bf 109's and Marder II's.
I assign the trained Bohemian Mountain Division to 5th Army in the Caucasus.
I assign the Light Cruiser Stuttgart to the Hochseeflotte....
....then 5 Destroyers to Atlantik TF 1....
....and 6 U-Boots to I. U-Boots Flottille.
I add an extra Building Slot in Abkhazia....
....and create a Middle East Section for the Abwehr.
Then I spend 100 Political Power to ban Communism in the Reich. (That was wasted because there aren't any Communists in the Reich.)
I create 4 new Geschwader in Vinnytsia.
Lettland (German for Latvia) accepts the Lend Lease. In the background one can see 7th Army heading south.
No action in this post but hopefully we'll be bashing Shanxi in the next post.
