German - Deutsch Afrika and the Home Front - 13 Jul to 23 Jul 1943

13 Jul 1943: I plan the construction of  Fuel Silos in Spanish Afrika and Deutsch Ostafrika.
I move them forward in the Construction queue.
I select Paramilitary Training in Italy which gives my new Ally a boost.
15 Jul 1943: Armee Ostafrika reinforcements have almost arrived.
19 Jul 1943: All but 10 of the SPA III's have already been converted.
I cancel Tungsten imports from Sweden.
20 Jul 1943: My Trade is now balanced.
21 Jul 1943: I might have to think about building more Merchants soon.
My Fuel Tanks are full....
....and my Manpower is sufficient.
22 Jul 1943: Now I can convert the new divisions in Armee Ostafrika to Sturm-Divisionen II's then place them in training.
I return 2 Sturm-Divisionen to 2nd Army.
The current Resistance in the Reich.
A detailed view of my Infantry Equipment stockpile. Much of it is foreign equipment.
I adjust my non-Panzer Army production and place more emphasis on Artillery.
I import Tungsten from Sweden again.
23 Jul 1943: A list of Fascist countries in Europe and Africa.
A list of countries in Europe and Africa which are in the Allies faction.
Three trained Destroyers are assigned to Atlantik TF 3.
The Global Summary and I notice that the RAF now has 7000+ more aircraft than the Luftwaffe.
That is all I need to do in Africa at the moment. I'll need to expand the ports later but it can wait. I need to address the Luftwaffe and I also need the Panzer V. 
