UK - Early Organization - 01 Jan to 02 Mar 1936

03 Jan 1936: Unlike the Germans, which has everything in Central Europe, the British Armed Forces are spread all over the world. So let's get started. I've put all Fleets on hold so if at sea they are all heading back to port. Army production consists of just these 4 items.
The Aircraft production isn't much better. There is now no Hurricane fighter available. It has to be researched first. So my Gladiators are up against Bf 109's. Thanks.
The Royal Navy has no Capital Ships being built but plenty of Cruisers and Destroyers. I cancelled the useless Submarines in production.
My Logistics are looking good.... is my Fuel situation.
We also have a lot of Convoys.
My Costruction schedule with Civilian Factories planned first.
My first Focus is Limited Rearmament which gives me 4 Civilian Factories.
I've cancelled a few Destroyers so that I have enough Dockyards to assign 2 each to the 5 Cruisers being built.
There are 19 divisions in the UK 13 of which need more trainng. I divide the remaining 17 divisions into 3 Theatres: African, Med and Asian Theatres.
15 Jan 1936: Now that the Royal Navy is in port I am now gaining Fuel stocks.
Support Equipment is being produced - there's nothing more that I can do.
A British Tank Brigade. I have only one of them.
I have some Aircraft reserves so I deploy them in Cairo.
21 Jan 1936: My Cruiser production is gaining more Dockyards as Destroyer production lines are being completed.
22 Jan 1936: These Civilian Factories take a while.
23 Jan 1936: King George has died. Long live King Edward.
27 Jan 1936: I assign 3 divisions to Egypt's border with Italian-controlled Libya.
29 Jan 1939: They are on their way.
04 Feb 1936: They have arrived at the border and no Italian divisions are in sight.
07 Feb 1936: Italy are slightly ahead in their war with Ethiopia.
02 Mar 1936: My current Research. Another 5 months before the Hurricane arrives.
The British player is severely handicapped at the beginning of the campaign (as in real life) so there is not much I can do.
