Germany - War in Japan and the Luftwaffe Expands - 15 Feb to 01 Mar 1942

15 Feb 1942: Field Hospital II has been researched....
....and I select Maintenance I next.
My current Rsearch. We have some good projects completing soon.
16 Feb 1942: One Japanese division is in a bunker so it needs more attention. On our right flank the terrain is more suitable for armoured warfare. As always, Railways are criticcal to maintsin Supply.
19 Feb 1942: The whole Railway is now in Chinese hands and we are pushing further along the coast. The Japanese have never seen Panzer-Divisionen like ours before.
22 Feb 1942: We have successfully advanced along the coast so now it is time for the left flank to br more actuve.
We were successful on the left and now 8. Panzer-Division is back in action widening our spearhead along the coast.
27 Feb 1942: Research has been completed on Paratroopers II.
01 Mar 1942: We are attacking along the coast again. It is nice to see that Chinese troops are moving forward with us too.
I start researching 15 cm Kanone 18. Note that this a Field Gun not a Field Howitzer currently in service.
My Research projects. Two more will complete this month.
I select the Air Doctrine Battlefield Support which gives +20% Air Superiority.
I create 4 more Geschwader in Rhineland....
....and 5 new Geschwader in Luxembourg. That's almost 900 more aircraft deployed.
I create a second Naval Air Wing in Vlaanderen.... well as 4 new Geschwader in Alsace-Lorraine.
The Abwehr is preparing a mission to Infiltrate Civilian Administration.
It's been a busy two weeks and I hope the Japanese are beginning to regret their move. Note that Germany is not at war - the 7th Army is Chinese as far as the game is concerned. 
