Germany - Finally a Panzergrenadier-Division - 04 Aug to 11 Aug 1943

04 Aug 1943: I was hoping for guidance when to order what for my Panzer V. I will order the 1943 Chassis first so that I can use it for a Tank Destroyer.
I order Atlantik TF 2 to Calais....
....then the Hochseeflotte is also moved there.
05 Aug 1943: I merge the two fleets as Atlantik TF 2.
Resistance in Belgium is now down to 3%.
06 Aug 1943: The Abwehr is upgraded with Passive Defence (II)....
....and I select Passive Defence (III) next.
I can't recruit another Agent.
So the Allies have reorganized. Good for them. I don't need to do that.
My Construction queue with all kinds of goodies arriving soon incl. overseas Fuel Silos.
I am getting short of Merchants.... I create a production line for them.
I plan 2 Geschwader in Albania and put them in training.
This is my Panzergrenadier-Brigade - actually it is a misfit.... let's add more Motorized Infantry. I would like to add a third one but I don't have enough Army XP.
08 Aug 1943: Two Gebirgs-Divisionen are deployed and I place them in training.
I now have 5 XP so I add another Motorized Anti-Tank battalion and the division is finally complete. I don't have to put it into recruiment because existing units have been converted to the new division (six of them).
Army 8 has five of them.
I create the 12. Kampfgeschwader in Poznan.
11 Aug 1943: The Abwehr prepares a mission to make contact with the Resistance in Japanese-occupied Russia,
It will take 105 day.
A lot was achieved in the last week. More in the next post.
