Germany - The Home Front and More Upgrades - 15 Aug to 31 Aug 1943

15 Aug 1943: I upgrade the Austrian Schnelle Division to a Panzer-Grenadier-Division. It needs a lot of extra equipment....
....and training.
I order II. U-Boots-Flottille to the Dodecanese Islands.
Nine divisions in 4th Army require further training.
The might of the Luftwaffe in Europe.
The trained U-85 is assigned to II. U-Boots-Flottille.
I select the Navy Doctrine Battlefleet Concentration.
This is the reason for the extra training - a 25% bonus in combat.
17 Aug 1943: What are the Italians doing there?
21 Aug 1943: Two Stukageschwader need more training.
22 Aug 1943: Great. Armee Bretagne is fully trained.
25 Aug 1943: I have enough equipment so I add a 3rd Panzerjäger Battalion to the Panzer-Grenadier-Division template.
26 Aug 1943: A detailed view of the Führer Begleit Division.
28 Aug 1943: I add an extra Building Slot to Hanover.
In Lebanon the Schnelle Division is renamed 3. Panzer-Grenadier-Division.
31 Aug 1943: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Passive Defence (III)....
....and I follow on with Passive Defence (IV).
I assign 10 trained Sturm.Divisionen II to Reservearmee and they proceed to Veneto Region.
A bit of everything in this post but it's all for a good cause.
