Russia - A New Tactical Bomber - 07 Dec to 16 Dec 1941

07 Dec 1941: The bare-bones of an Improved Medium Airframe.
I add to 2 x Engines III and Medium Bomb Bay....
....then Bomb Locks and a Heavy MG Defence Turret.
Finally 2 x Cannon I, Radio Navigation I and Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks.
Et voilà. The new Tu-2 Tactical Bomber.
It replaces the ANT-40 currently in production. It's not replacing the ANT-40 tactically so these will stay in active service.
11 Dec 1941: The enemy's defences are very weak so we can choose where to attack.
12 Dec 1941: I want to capture the 4 enemy divisions near to the Korean border.
13 Dec 1941: The Focus Reinforce Southern Naval Bases has been completed....
....and I select The USSR Academy of Sciences next.
In the Centre we have captured the capital Hsinking and we have encircled 2 divisions south of Harbin.
We are advancing so quickly that many divisions cannot keep up with frontline.
14 Dec 1941: Now they really are dreaming.
16 Dec 1941: Saboteurs again!
Manchukuo's days are numbered. 
