Russia - The Far East and Free France - 11 Apr to 25 Apr 1941

11 Apr 1941: We have lost 4 Divisions while I was fighting the French Campaign. Also Army Centre hasn't arrived at the frontline yet.
My Consruction queue.
The Focus National Specialists has been completed....
....and I select War Economy next.
15 Apr 1941: Research has been completed on Active Sonar....
....and O select Advanced Armour Protection for Tanks next.
My current Research projects.
The green States are Free France and they are at war with Comintern and the Allies.
I help to mop up the Free French and foreign troops in France.
16 Apr 1941: Another former Commonwealth nation has capitulated to US led forces.
17 Apr 1941: We are fighting Japanese and German troops but since we are not at war with Germany their troops are simply pushed back.
I decide to leave this mess for the Spanish. They started this war. I delete all orders for Alpine Army and prepare to move them elsewhere.
18 Apr 1941: I support an attack in northern Manchukuo.
I try to shore up the fronline in NE Manchukuo but we are losing ground.
24 Apr 1941: We are about to be pushed back bottom-centre (red 1).
25 Apr 1941: I launch an attack west of Vladivostok in an attemp to regain lost territory.
The Global Summary and we are now in 2nd place.
Things could be a lot worse in the Far East but the situation is not promising. 
