USA - Yugoslavia and Lithunia have Capitulated - 07 Dec 1944 to 04 Jan 1945

07 Dec 1944: I order the 5th Submarine Squadron into the Java Sea.
10 Dec 1944: I assign 3 trained Essex Class Aircraft Carriers to Carrier Division, Battle Force....
....and 3 Destroyers to their appropriate Destroyer Squadrons.... well as 6 Submarines to the 5th Submarine Squadron.
USS Grampus and USS Grenadier are assigned to the Cruiser Submarine Force.
16 Dec 1944: Another top pilot.
19 Dec 1944: Yugoslavia has capitulated and we receive a lot of Equipment - some of it useful.
22 Dec 1944: Research has been completed on M1941 Johnson MG & M2 4,2" Mortar.... 
....and I select the M20 Recoilless Rifle from Springfield Armoury next.
24 Dec 1944: Another Ace is promoted.
Home Army, with 24 Garrison Brigades has arrived at the frontline and I begin Operation Red Thunder.
27 Dec 1944: RIP Boris.
29 Dec 1944: Of course. We want your Rubber.
30 Dec 1944: Sad but we have no troops in the Baltic Region. We'll fight on for you.
31 Dec 1944: Our 'Top 6' items and there are no serious deficits. 
That is looking good.
02 Jan 1945: Bad timing, too. Get well, George.
In Borneo I order 1st Army to ports.
What happened in Poland?
04 Jan 1945: Those Finns are clever.
The War Summary shows that the enemy has a slight advantage over us. 
