USA - The Home Front Revisited - 13 Jan to 26 Jan 1944

13 Jan 1944: I delete production of the P-38 Lightning. It is an obsolete model.
My Aircraft production. (I have to change the picture for the BTD Destroyer.)
17 Jan 1944: I reaasign the 82nd Airborne Division to 18th Airborne Corps....
....and order the division to Panamá.
Newport News Shipbuilding has received the Trait High Velocity Guns.
19 Jan 1944: I ship the 82nd Airborne Division to Houston.
20 Jan 1944: The Focus Amphibious Operations has been completed.
Research has been completed on 155 mm M114 Gun.
My next Focus is Black Chamber Operation.
I select 1944 Submarine Hull from the Electric Boat Company as my next Research project.
My current Research projects.
26 Jan 1944:  My Submarine production....
....and Screening Ships production. I'll increase the number of Destroyers to be built.
Chrysler has received the Trait Improved Suspension.
The trained 51st Philippines Division is returned to Army Philippines.
The Global Summary and we are still #2.
The French Alliance is the strongets Faction with 16 x 52 points followed by the United Socialist Front (59 x 10) then us in 3rd place (63 x 9). 
