USA - Upgrading Destroyers - 19 Aug to 29 Aug 1944

19 Aug 1944: The only ally I have in that region is Lithuania and they don't have a common border..
My next Research is M1941 Johnson MG & M2 4.2" Mortar from Springfield Armoury.
My current Research projects.
20 Aug 1944: The Electric Boat Company receives the Trait Advanced Periscope.
21 Aug 1944: The OSS has been upgraded with Government Cypher School (I).... 

....and I select Government Cypher School (II) next.
22 Aug 1944: We are still holding the line in Italy.
The 1st and 2nd Armies atill have a long journey ahead.
The same for 1st Armoured Army. (I should have noticed that we left 4 divisions at home.)
29 Aug 1944: That is a shame.
I want to upgrade my 1940 Destroyers.
I use 3 x Torpedo Launcher III....
....and add Fire Control II.
The MIO is Norfolk Naval Yard.
I'll swap them in September so I don't lose the Destroyers currently being built.

