Deutschland - The Polish Campaign - 23 Mar to 16 May 1937

23 Mar 1937: Opening moves. I'm trying a different strategy this time. Instead of wasting my Panzerkorps trying breakthrough from Gleiwitz I'm attacking from Breslau. My goal is to destroy the Polish Army in the West so there's nothing left to defend Warsaw and Eastern Poland.
I order II. U-Boots Flottille to patrol in the Lower Baltic Sea.
24 Mar 1937: We are rewriting the Versailles Vertrag and nobody is supporting Poland.
25 Mar 1937: We have captured Danzig but how long can we hold it.
28 Mar 1937: Poznan has fallen and the Polish lines are crumbling.
02 Apr 1937: The SITREP.
04 Apr 1937: Hopefully I won't need this Tactic.
05 Apr 1937: The Poles have recaptured Danzig but we've takem Bydgoszcz further South.
06 Apr 1937: We are advancing deep into Central Poland.
07 Apr 1937: We are also advancing South from East Prussia.
Armee Süd is making excellent progress and we have captured Lodz. Armee Ost is very near to Warsaw.
08 Apr 1937: East Prussia is looking good but our forces are overstretched. I'm not worried though because an enemy advance there will not help defend Poland.
17 Apr 1937: Armee Süd and Armee Ost have almost linked up which would surround all Polish forces in Western Poland. 
In the South I attack towards Kattowice and Krakow.
I remind the Dutch again.
The latest SITREP.
The situation in East Prussia is delicate but I'm still not worried. Adolf thinks we are advancing too far and too fast. The front commanders will politely ignore the comments.
19 Apr 1937: Der Führer is quiet now.
22 Apr 1937: Gdansk is now the provisional capital. We have also captured Siedlce East of Warsaw.
24 Apr 1937: The three Armies have now linked up and most of the Polish Army is encircled.
26 Apr 1937: We have sizeable equipment shortages but we press on.
Danzig has fallen and Radom is now the capital. Krakow and Kielce have also been captured and Radom itself is threatened from the Northeast and Southwest.
Kattowice and Tarnow are our next objectives in the South.
29 Apr 1937: Not looking promising for Poland now at 82% towards capitulation.
01 May 1937: We have lost 4 U-Booten to the Polish Airforce.
04 May 1937: I turn up the pressure against pocket near Danzig.
05 May 1937: The Focus Reichsautobahn has been completed....
....and I select Grßraumwirtschaft next. That leads to Align Hungary and Align Romania.
Not my concern.
06 May 1937: Research has been completed on Smoke Generators and we get an interesting offer from Denmark which Germany accepts.
08 May 1937: Japan is becoming very noisy.
That didn't last long with Denmark.
Good luck, China. The Kattowice pocket is about to be eliminated and Brzesc Litowsk has fallen.
Radom is about to fall and Grodno is the new capital.
I decide to research Improved Airplane Catapult from Germaniawerft next.
09 May1937:  Poland is now 95% towards capitulation.
Good for them.
11 May 1937: The fall of Kattowice and Lublin should seal Poland's fate.
13 May 1937: We ahve completed Research on Active Sonar and I next select Inclined Belt Armour Scheme from Germaniawerft.

My current Research projects.
Blohm & Voss receives the Trait Raiding Submarines.
The Poles are fighting stubbornly in the North.
14 May 193: We have captured Radom and Lublin. The end for Poland is surely near.
I launch an attack towards Zamosc and Lwow.
16 May 1937: Poland capitulates and there is little valuable captured equipment: The Fuel and Trains are useful.
Round 1 and I am demanding all the States of Poland.
Done and in Round 2 I want their Navy.
Also done and I quit the negotiations.
16 May 1937: The Treaty of Warsaw and we have some Lebensraum Ost.
The Wehrmacht performed well and the Führer is overjoyed. The startegy worked well but I could have sent the Armeeschule with a few divisions to Ostpreussen. 
