USA - More Navy and Airforce Deployments - 06 Dec to 12 Dec 1943

06 Dec 1943: Three divisions in 1st Armoured Army require further training.
My Logistics chart - just checking how many M36's I have....
....enough for 5 Armoured Divisions.
07 Dec 1943: Thanks for your service!
More trained ships. The USS Chicago is assigned to Cruiser Division 3;
the USS Heron and USS Turkey are assigned to Scouting Force;
the USS Hammann is assigned to the Anti-Air Destroyer Squadron....
....and 4 Submarines are assigned to 6th Submarine Squadron.
The Phoenix Island Division is ordered to Phoenix Island.
I add 5 x 3 Military Factories and 5 x Fuel Silo to the Construction queue.
My Trade Chart. Everything looks fine. Our European territories are quite impressive.
Now that the war is over Resistance Levels are retreating.
Army Philippines is returned to Borneo.
10 Dec 1943: The 51st Philippines Division requires further training.
12 Dec 1943: My words exactly.
My Armour production. We're short on all 3 lines.
I create 2 Air Groups on the Azores....
....and two more on the Cape Verde Islands.
I create 3 Air Groups in Maryland....
....and 2 Air Groups at Hawaii.
Finally I create 2 Air Groups at Sulawesi.
It's nice to have bases in the Atlantic to cover Convoys if neccessary. 
