Deutschland - More Upgrades - 02 Aug to 26 Sep 1937

02 Aug 1937: The 208. Infanterie-Division has been deployed and is placed in training....
....and the trained 1. Gebirgs-Division is assigned to I. Panzerkorps.
Four trained Infanterie-Divisionen are assigned to Armee West.
06 Aug 1937: The 87. Infanterie-Division arrives and sent to training....
....and the trained 76. Infanterie-Division is assigned to Armee Süd.
I remind the Dutch again.
13 Aug 1937: Research has been completed on Radio....
....and I select Concentrated Industry II next for more Factory Slots.
We are short on Infantry Equipment so I halve Infanterie-Divisionen Recruitment.
It's better but not good. My Logistics chart is troublesome in key areas. A disadvantage when the economy is not prepared for war.
23 Aug 1937: I order Pilot Exercises for the Küstenfliegergruppe in Hinterpommern.
30 Aug 1937: That is very good news. The Resistance in Poland is much better.
I add many items to the Construction queue.
Three trained Destroyers are assigned to the Hochseeflotte....
....and 4 U-Booten are assigned to I. U-Boots Flottille.
I need a more modern U-Boot and I begin with the 1936 Submarine Hull.
I add 2 x Torpedo Tubes II.... the Type VII U-Boot and it's MIO is Blohm & Voss.
I add 2 Production lines.
I upgrade the He 111 next.
I want Armour Piercing Bomb Locks and Radio Navigation I.
I then add Extra Fuel Tanks giving the He 111 B.
It replaces the He 111 A currently in production.
I upgrade the Bf 109 D with 2 x Cannon I and Non-Strategic Materials Usage.
The Bf 109 'Emil'.
02 Sep 1937: My Aircraft production.
06 Sep 1937: The 207. Infanterie-Division has been deployed and is sent to Armeeschule.
I deploy the 206. and 209. Infanterie-Divisionen early and place them in training.
15 Sep 1937: Research has been completed on Small-Calibre Semi-Armour Piercing Shell....
....and I select Armour-Piercing Capped Medium Shell from Germaniawerft next.
17 Sep 1937: Research has also finished on Inclined Belt Armour Scheme....
....and I select Armour-Piercing Capped Shell from Germaniawerft next.
My current Research projects.
17 Sep 1937: Germaniawerft receives the Trait Primary Battery Layout.
18 Sep 1937: The trained U-30 is assigned to I. U-Boots Flottille.
I order Naval Exrcises for the captured Polish Navy ships.
22 Sep 1937: The Focus Anschluß has been completed....
....and I select Naval Rearmament next.
23 Sep 1937: A good question! The 4 Austrian States become German and Austria is annexed. There are more good bonuses....
....including 9 divisions which I place in training.
I change to a War Economy - we mean Business.
My Aircraft production. I leave it unchanged. Fighters have priority at the moment.
We are in the headlines.
26 Sep 1937: The Global Summary and I am comfortable with 3rd place.
It's early days and we have a larger industry then the United Kingdom and the Societ Union. Bis bald. 
