USA - Countdown To War - 25 Jul to 07 Aug 1943

25 Jul 1943: Now we have a Civil War in South Africa.
I send the 'good guys' a Lend Lease package.
What is Qing China doing there???
27 Jul 1943: It appears that we chose the right side.
The Diplomacy Register of Qing China reveals that it has allies (blue) in the region.
A political map of Southern Africa. Apart from South Africa it isn't all that different.
01 Aug 1943: We have problems with Steel imports from Centralist Australia so I reduce the quantity and order it from Chile instead.
03 Aug 1943: Research has been completed on Centimetric Radar....
....and I select M1 Bazooka from Springfield Armoury next.
My current Research projects.
We are still 3rd in the Global Summary but here I have listed 4th International nations....
....and United Socialist Front members. Great Britain is still #1.
I order 6th Armoured Division to LA Port....
....then assign it to 1st Armoured Army.
04 Aug 1943: I cancel Aluminium imports from Norway.
05 Aug 1943: Our Justification has arrived.
07 Aug 1943: I activate the Air Support over the Northern Andes.
I declare War on Revolutionary Peru.
The terrain supports the defender but I'm hoping our Armour and superior numbers will negate that advantage. 
