USA - Return To The Home Front - 07 May to 07 Jun 1944

07 May 1944: The Resistance Levels in our European Territories are reducing further.
10 May 1944: The trained 69th 'Fighting 69th' Division is assigned to 2nd Army....
....and shipped to New Orleans.
Three trained Infantry Divisions are returned to 2nd Army....
....and the 6th Armoured Division is returned to 1st Armoured Army.
12 May 1944: In Canada the Resistance has almost ceased.
22 May 1944: Lockheed receives the Trait Expanded Cockpit.
23 May 1944: I select to upgrade the OSS with Machine-Assisted Decryption (I)....
....and I ecpend 50 PP to become Spy Master.
My Fuel stocks are looking great.... is my Logistics Fulfillment.
26 May 1944: That's great! Another war.
The trained 7th and 8th Armoured Divisions are returned to 1st Armoured Army....
....and 3 more Infantry Divisions are returned to 2nd Army after further training.
1st Armoured Army is causing a Supply problem in LA so I order the division to garrison the ports in California.
30 May 1944: Norfolk Naval Yard receives the Anti-Air Layout Trait.
01 Jun 1944: In Borneo I convert 36th 'Texas' Division to the 1943 format and place it in training. Japan appears to have invaded British Malaysia on Borneo.
03 Jun 1944: Boeing receives the Trait Standardized Alloys.
07 Jun 1944: The 74th Infantry Division has been deployed then placed in training.
I believe that Japan is in the French Alliance which woul explain the attack on Borneo. 
