Deutschland - Expanding the Economy - 31 Jan to 25 Mar 1938

31 Jan 1938: We remind the Dutch again despite a comfortable lead.
06 Feb 1938: More Stukas is a good idea.
09 Feb 1938: We import more Rubber from the Dutch East Indies.
10 Feb 1938: The Focus Naval Effort has been completed....
....and I select German War Effort next. I'm already looking forward to the 6 Military Factories.
My Capital Ship production....
....with extra Dockyards planned too.
Now I can see the Army.
12 Feb 1938: I'm producing enough Infantry Equipment so let's add more Military Factories to the other three items.
18 Feb 1938: I assign 3 Type II U-Booten to the I U-Boots Flottille.
24 Feb 1938: Yet more support for our Trade demands.
02 Mar 1938: Junkers receives the Trait Low Altitude Attacks.
03 Mar 1938: Research has been completed on Marines I....
....and I select Range Improvements from Messerschmitt next.
My current Research projects. Concentrated Industry II finishes later this month.
16 Mar 1938: Looking good.
18 Mar 1938: Rapid Fire is a good new Trait for Rheinmetall.
25 Mar 1938: I unlock the Air Doctrine Dive Bombing....
....and the Land Doctrine Elastic Defence.
Also the Special Forces Doctrine Elevate the Mountaineers.
My Destroyer production with the last 1934A vessel almost completed.
The War Economy is progressing well. 
