USA - The Improved Clemson Class Destroyer - 02 Sep to 20 Sep 1944

02 Sep 1944: I guess that is good news....
....but it has recreated Germany.
09 Sep 1944: There is very little Dutch territory remaining.
13 Sep 1944: I'm going to upgrade the Clemson Class Destroyers. We have enough Clemson Minesweepers - we need regular Destroyers.
I need Light Engine III, Torpedo Launcher III and QGA Sonar.
I add Fire Control II, Anti-Air III and Dual-Purpose Main Battery III.
Then I add Depth Charge III and a second Torpedo Launcher III.
That is a hot Destroyer. They are cheaper and faster to build.
Its MIO is Norfolk Naval Yard.
I refit 15 Destroyers from Destroyer Flotilla 1.
15 Sep 1944: I assign the trained 74th Infantry Division to 2nd Army.
I ship the 74th to Panamá.
16 Sep 1944: The Destroyers have arrived for their Refit.
I add the 8 Destroyers of Destroyer Squadron 12 to the Refit list.
18 Sep 1944: The leading divisions of 1st Armoured Army are approaching Venezia.
20 Sep 1944: The OSS has been upgraded with Government Cypher School (II).
I add many items to the Construction queue - mainly Anti-Air Support.
