USA - Adjusting the War Economy - 07 Jun to 10 Jun 1944

07-08 Jun 1944: The Aircraft Carrier USS Bunker Hill has been launched so I now have execess imports. I cancel Chromium from France....
....and Steel imports from Japan.
08 Jun 1944: I increase Steel imports from Great Britain....
....and that looks better.
Six Midway Class Carriers should be enough for Carrier Division to cover both Oceans.
I import Rubber from British Malaya.
09 Jun 1944: The Focus Federal Housing Act has been completed....
....and I select Scientist Haven next to give us a 6th Research slot.
The Federal Housing Act has unleashed more Resources so I can now cancel the Rubber from British Malaya.
10 Jun 1944: I assign 6 trained Garrison Brigades to Home Army.
The trained 18th and 21st Airborne Divisions are assigned to 18th Airborne Corps.
I order the Corps to a nearby Airfield in Texas.
At Texas I create the 2nd Troop Carrier Group.... well as the 28th and 29th Fighter Groups.
I cancel the Finn's Military Access to our territories. They are in the French Alliance.
I stall have Armour shortages but the rest looks good.
I have trained ships that need assignments. USS San Francisco and USS Detroit go to Cruiser Division 3....
....while USS Quail and USS Partridge go to Torpedo Destroyer Squadron.
USS Wainwright is assigned to 1940 Destroyers Squadron....
....and USS Roe is assigned to AA Destroyer Squadron 2.
Finally 6 Submarines are sent to 2nd Submarine Squadron.
France is not looking good. I'm not quite sure what would happen if France falls because Japan is also a major Nation.
The Global Summary and we are solidly defending the #1 spot. We are leaving Great Britain a long way behind us.
The French Alliance is still by far the strongest Faction. 
