USA - The Home Front and Europe - 19 Mar to 26 Mar 1944

19 Mar 1944: I reduce Steel imports from France....
....and increase Chromium imports from Cuba.
20 Mar 1944: That looks better.
My Construction queue is fine....
....but I'm still short on Armour.
I replace the M101A1 Gun with the 155 mm M114 Gun.
My Aircraft production could be better but expansion is planned.
21 Mar 1944: The Resistance levels in Canada are much better.
21-22 Mar 1944: I offer Military Access to Ukraine and they accept the offer.
24 Mar 1944: British forces appear to have overexteded themselves.
Just checking. Access to the Adriatic Sea is essential if I am at war with the French Alliance to prevent 8th Army being out of Supply.
I can't cancel my non-aggression pact with France until mid-August.
25 Mar 1944: Hellas is also in the French Alliance so I can't use the Bosphorus.
However the Italian Union is like Great Britain in the Unified Socialist Front and we also have a non-aggression pact.
I send the Italian Union a nice Lend Lease package which they accept.
26 Mar 1944: Finally I import more Steel from Great Britain.
The situation in Europe is good but it needs more support. 
