USA - Victories in Albania and Macedonia - 10 Mar to 11 Apr 1945

10 Mar 1945: Newport Shipbuilding received the Trait Underway Replenishment Equipment.
I decline.
15 Mar 1945: I start a new offensive and I believe we shall soon prevail in Macedonia.
The 12th 'Rocky Mountain' Division has been deployed and it is placed in training.
Six Infantry Divisions and the 10th Mountain Division have completed training and are assigned to 8th Army.
16 Mar 1945: The Focus Unrestricted Submarine Warfare has been completed....
....and I select Armoured Infantry next.
Six Infantry Divisions have been deployed and are placed in training.
A good victory!
The War Summary and something is happening in Sweden.
We start an attack in northern Greece near to the Bosphorus.
21 Mar 1945: Our attacks East of Belgrade are looking very promising.
22 Mar 1945: The enemy has been pushed back and we push further.
29 Mar 1945: We have surrounded 14 enemy divisions. They have no possible escape.
01 Apr 1945: The end is near.
03 Apr 1945: Defeated! A second battle to the South of us will soon be completed in our favour too.
08 Apr 1945: We have captured most of Albania. Five enemy divisions now have our full attention.
09 Apr 1945: I add more divisions and in a couple of days the battle should be over.
11 Apr 1945: Wow! A US Destroyer has sunk 5 Japanese Destroyers. Excellent.
Our Fleet sank 10 more Japanese Destroyers.
We won a naval battle in the Adratic Sea too.
The War Summary and our Air Superiority secures our 1st place.
The French Alliance is still the strongest Faction though. 
