USA - Poland Defeated and New Doctrines - 18 Jan to 05 Feb 1945

18 Jan 1945: It looks like Warsaw has been recaptured but the Philippines has lost some territory.
21 Jan 1945: Luckily 2nd Army has finally arrived. I organize a frontline and battleplan. Air Support is there so attack!
22 Jan 1945: Poland has fallen and look at all that equipment! I believe that our shortages have been taken care of for a while.
That's our aim!
I add a lot of Military Factories to the Construction queue.
Captured Polish equipment should take care of Infantry and Support Equipment shortages. I'm not sure about Trucks though.
The 10th and 11th Armoured Divisions have been deployed and are placed in training. That explains the Truck shortage.
I select Standard Oil of California as a preferred Industrial Concern.
I add 3 Fighter Groups to the battle for Air Superiority over the Western Balkans.
23 Jan 1945: Again? They don't seem to like Lithuania.
24 Jan 1945: That's good.
25 Jan 1945: Also good.
We seem to have a lot of air combat.
29 Jan 1945: We'll look after it and I'm sending 8th Army to reclaim Western Romania.
Home Army is in Lithuania. Let the Danes come.
30 Jan 1945: The Lithanian Division is an Artillery Division. I place it in training.
Marmon-Herrington receives the Trait Sloping Armour....
....and we receive the Air Doctrine Naval Strike Torpedo Tactics.
We also receive Special Forces Doctrine Backbone of the Armed Forces....
....the Land Doctrine Modern Blitzkrieg....
....and the Naval Doctrine Submarine Operations.
05 Feb 1945: 8th Army attacks Timisoara....
....and 2nd Army cleanses the Philippines of uninvited Japanese invaders.
I'm organizing my forces in Europe by eliminating undesired nations. 
