Deutschland - Romania Joins the Axis - 04 Jun to 29 Jun 1938

04 Jun 1938: The Resistance levels in former Poland are improving.
I create Jagdgeschwader 3 Udet at Lwów....
....also Jagdgeschwader 5 Eismeer and Kampfgeschwader 4 'Wever' at Kraków.
17 Jun 1938: We invite Romania to join the Axis....
....and Romania accepts.
18 Jun 1938: Research has been completed on Range Improvements....
....and I select Anti-Tank Upgrade from Rheinmetall next.
20 Jun 1938: We have also researched Basic Large Airframe....
....and I select Mechanical Computing next.
My current Research projects.
22 Jun 1938: Yet another reason to join the Axis.
28 Jun 1938: I now add more emphasis to Artillery production.
I add 2 x Oil  Refineries and 7 x 3 Military Factories to my Construction queue. That will expand the War Economy!
29 Jun 1938: The Focus Treaty with the USSR has been completed....
....and I select Demand Sudetenland next.
That should start the ball rolling.
