Deutschland - The Second Six Months - 21 Jul to 21 Dec 1936

21 Jul 1936: I forgot to mention that I'm playing in 'historical' mode.
30 Jul 1936: That's Hermann-Göring-Werke completed....
....and KdF-Wagen is next and another 6 Civilian Factories.
01 Aug 1936: I adjust the production of my 'high-priority' items and my emphasis on Infantry Equipment is paying off.
I deploy this 2nd batch early and place them in training.
05 Aug 1936: I assign all of the trained 1st batch of 6 divisions to Armee Ost.
14 Aug 1936: The Führer knows!
16 Aug 1936: I plan operations for Armee Ost.
19 Aug 1936: That was quick!
18 Aug 1936: I always use Concentrated Industry. (Today is my -17th Birthday.)
01 Sep 1936: Also good but I don't have enough Army XP to add it to my division templates.
I need better Anti-Tank Guns for the upgrade of old Panzer I's to Marder Panzerjäger (Tank-Destroyers).
14 Sep 1936: The Führer knows.
Another reminder.
06 Oct 1936: The choice was between extra range or extra speed.
08 Oct 1936: That's finished....
....and Army Innovation is next. I want the Army XP to change my Panzer-Division template.
04 Nov 1936: Great! 
I need Armour-Piercing Bombs for my Stukas.
Rheinmetall produces all my Artillery pieces.
13 Nov 1936: I deploy the next batch early and place them in training.
I give 3 trained divisions each to Armee Nord and Armee Süd.
22 Nov 1936: My battle plans for the two Armies.
30 Nov 1936: Another reminder and the British are now awake.
I select General Franz Halder as Chief  of  Army.
01 Dec 1936: Also good for more building slots.
I'll need Fallschirmjäger.
The first three projects will arrive before the campaign against Poland.
16 Dec 1936: Great. 
Now the Extra Research Slot.
I change the Panzer-Division template to 3 Panzer Battalionen and 4 Motorisierte.Infanterie Battalionen.
I convert the Kavallerie-Division to the 4. Panzer-Division.
It needs further training.
23 Dec 1936: I plan the construction of Military and Civilian Factories in Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia).
That completes this post. Bis bald. 
