USA - Peru Capitulates But The War Continues - 20 Sep to 16 Oct 1943

20 Sep 1943: We are on track for capturing Piura. I send the 35th 'Santa Fe' Division to support 4th Armoured Division's attack towards Yurimaguas.
23 Sep 1943: I assign 7th Armoured Division to 1st Armoured Army and order it to engage the 3 enemy divisions North of its position.
Yurimaguas is still an important objective. We need the Victory Points.
24 Sep 1942: On our left flank we are fighting a Portuguese division.
28 Sep 1943: We should soon enter Yurimaguas.
01 Oct 1943: We have advanced nearer to Piura and I can afford to divert a couple of divisions to attack northeastwards.
02 Oct 1943: We have captured Piura so now we can attack into the Peruvian interior.
We have also captured Yurimaguas. Our next objective is the new capital Iquitos.
It appears that Peru is 100% towards capitulation and have lost 89K troops.
03 Oct 1943: Now it's official and we gain  mostly trash.
Yes to Belgium, too.
The Soviets are hanging on by a string. With luck this conflict will soon be over.
10 Oct 1943: We sign a pact with Czechoslovakia too.
11 Oct 1943: That would be unwise.
I order all 1st Armoured Army's divisions to Piura.
I transfer two divisions to 2nd Army.
16 Oct 1943: Research has been completed on Improved Anti-Air Upgrade I....
....and I select Improved Anti-Air Upgrade II from Rock Island Arsenal next
My current Research projects.
Now, how can we help defeat the Soviets in order to end this war. 
