USA - Advancing Into Poland - 13 Nov to 20 Nov 1944

13 Nov 1944: I'm not sure this is a good idea. I ask both Bulgaria and Switzerland to join their wars.
15 Nov 1944: I divert 3 Garrison Brigades to Costa Rica instead of Chile.
I add two new Airborne Diviaions to US Marine Corps....
....then ship them to Oaxaca in Mexico. (I put them in the wrong Corps. It should have been the 18th Airborne.)
We are now at war with Poland and Yugoslovakia. Joining those wars was maybe not a good idea
Chile appears to be doing fine without us.
I transfer 2 divisions from 2nd Army to Army Philippines.
The situation on Borneo.
I'm not sure what he's commanding.
We've captured Kuching. Now let's march along the coast towards Brunei.
17 Nov 1944: Somehow we are already attacking Poland.
18 Nov 1944: Yes. Definitely.
19 Nov 1944: North American Aviation receives the Trait Extra Cargo Doors.
20 Nov 1944: We have capured Warsaw and Lodz. I'm not sure that I like this quick advance. I don't have any reserves.
We are getting short on critical items.
Both Poland and Yugoslavia are still a long way from capitualtion.
I should have waited for reserves to arrive. There's not much I can do now though. 
