Deutschland - The Munich Crisis - 05 Aug to 08 Sep 1938

05 Aug 1938: I want to produce more Panzer II A's....
....and I remind the Dutch again. Eventually I'll win this and won't have to remind them anymore.
09 Aug 1938: These Aircraft figures are misleading because Air Wings are now set at 100 aircraft each. So if you create a new Air Wing with 50 aircraft you are automatically 50 short.
11 Aug 1938: I add Anti-Aircraft Guns and Anti-Tank Guns to my production. Both have Rheinmetall as their MIO.
I import Tungsten from Portugal.
12 Aug 1938: I create the Sturm-Division template by adding Support Ant-Air and Support Anti-Tank to the Infanterie-Division template.
I also add a Field Hospital.
The Sturm-Division (Assault Division).  I guess they are equivalent to a Guards Division.
30 Aug 1938: I assign 4 trained Infanterie-Divisionen to 4. Armee.
02 Sep 1938: None after we've paid Moscow a visit.
07 Sep 1938: Indeed it is. The Sudeten-Deutsch come 'Heim ins Reich'.
My next Focus is Coal Liquidization. I get a free Rsfinery and a Research bonus.
The Axis seen through Horthy's eyes. We've got you in our clutches, Horthy.
We are in the headlines again.
08 Sep 1938: The footlines.
I can now concentrate on building the economy and the Wehrmacht. 
