Deutschland - Boosts For Panzer Research - 01 Jul to 04 Aug 1938

01 Jul 1938: That's good news for my Panzer production.
08 Jul 1938: The 7. and 8. Panzer-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training.
14 Jul 1938: Blohm & Voss receives the Trait High-Speed Operations Stores.
18 Jul 1938: I order Pilot Exercises for a Schlachtgeschwader in Lower Austria.
I select Admiral Erich Raeder as Chief of Navy.
24 Jul 1938: Research has been completed on Basic Armour Protection....
....and I select 1938 Medium Tank Chassis from MAN next, i.e. Panzer III.
My current Research projects.
27 Jul 1938: The trained 6. Panzer-Division is assigned to I. Panzerkorps....
....and the 1. Gebirgs-Division is transferred to 4. Armee.
02 Aug 1938: I create 2 Production Lines for Typ VII U-Booten.
04 Aug 1938: We have completed researching Improved (Tank) Engine....
....and select Improved Armour Protection from MAN next.
My updated list of Research projects.
The War Summary shows the Reich in a solid 2nd place behind the United Kingdom.
The British Army even has more divisions that the Wehrmacht! 
