USA - Czechoslovakia No Longer Exists - 02 Nov to 13 Nov 1944

02 Nov 1944: Six Infantry Divisions have been deployed and placed in training....
....whie 6 trained Infantry Divisions are assigned to 8th Army and shipped to Venezia.
Czechoslovakia is already 92% towards capitulation.
Capturing Tabor or Pilzen should KO them.
04 Nov 1944: Done! We have also received a lot of equipment.
05 Nov 1944: Some foreign troops still need to be neutralized.
I have other duties for 7th Army.
06 Nov 1944: We need to take on Yugoslavia. We have unfinished business there.
Another Ace.
I think it was right to support Anti-Communist Brigades.
The War Summary. I notice that we are NOT at war with Yugoslavia, Poland or Russia.
We are at war with Japan though so let's kick them out of Borneo.
I need to gain Naval Superiority in the Java Sea.
07 Nov 1944: I guess that Finland will soon join the enemy.
Nasty! Poland too.
That's a mission for 1st Armoured Army.
I call Philippines into the war.
Poland, Yugoslavia and Finland are still not in the war.
08 Nov 1944: I need MacArthur where he is.
Why is the USA not mentioned there?
13 Nov 1944: Good. They are safe at home.
I have no idea what's going to happen next. 
