Germany - Further Training at the Home Front - 28 Mar to 31 Mar 1942

28 Mar 1942: I adjusted my non-Panzer Army amd Aircraft production placing more emphasis on Infantry Equipment and Ju 88 A's.
I import more Rubber from British Malaya.
29 Mar 1942: There is always something new in the Far East.
31 Mar 1942: We have completed researching 1940 Heavy Ship Hull and I select 12,8 cm PaK 44 next.
My current Research projects.
I order Pilot Exercises for EKD 'Edelweiß'.
I order further training for U-3.
I order West Med Flotte to Lisbon.
It's a real shame that National Spain has no ports.
I order further training for 1. Armee Italien.
I decide to recruit 25 Sturm-Divisionen.
The Abwehr has 3 Operatives building an Intel Network in France.
I create 2 new Geschwader at Sicilia.
I order further training for 4. Panzerarmee.
I send 4 units from 1. Armee Romanien to the Armeeschule for further training.
Four trained Infanterie-Divisionen are returned to 3. Panzerarmee.
I need to build a new Battleship variant in the next post. 
