UK - Germany Capitulates - 09 Nov to 25 Nov 1939

09 Nov 1939: The Germans have sunk a Merchant in rhe Bay of Biscay. I have two fleets patrolling in the Bay!
I create a more powerful variant of the Beaufighter.
My Construction queue.
My Logistics table. Artillery is still a problem.
I cancel a Recuitment line for Tank Brigades until I have greater production capacity.
12 Nov 1939: I add another division to the attack on Berlin. We also need to capture Dresden east of Leipzig.
13 Nov 1939: We lose two Merchants to a small Spanish Directory Submarine flotilla but we sink one of their Submarines.
We also lose 3 Merchants in the Straits of Malacca to Japanese Submarines.
14 Nov 1939: I'll take a hit there. The alternative was to give Communists and Fascists each 7% of the vote.
16 Nov 1939: We have captured Magdeburg and Berlin won't hold out much longer.
19 Nov 1939: Great news!
Germany is now 86% towards capitulation.
We attack the two German divisions to prevent counterattacks.
21 Nov 1939: They have been pushed back. I order the 8th Assault Division to capture Kustrin. We are now hunting Victory Points.
23 Nov 1939: I order the 51st Highlanders to capture Rostock and Stralsund on the Baltic Coast.
25 Nov 1939: German units have disappeared and yes they have capitulated. Bohemia is a member of the 4th International and Lithuania is suffering. I want to rid Europe of all the Fascist and Communist trash.
The defeated Germany and one can see that Czechslovakia has been recreated. I wonder if the missing Exile Army will show up there.
The Global Summary and we are still #1. The French Commune still has ca. 20 divisions somewhere and Germany has a dozen divisions still.
It was a long campaign against Germany but Europe is now free of powerful dictatorships. 
