Turkey - The Great War 2.0 - 06 Mar to 09 Mar 1920

06 Mar 1920: I ask Romania for troops....
....and they send 19 divisions. I place 10 divisions in training....
....and place the other 9 divisions in 3rd Army.
They shall help pacify occupied Romania.
08 Mar 1920: Soviet Russia declares war on Afghanistan despite its independence being guaranteed by both the Central Powers and the British Empire. Communists are really stupid! Here is our chance to eliminate them once and for all. WARNING! It will get complicated now.
We keep our word and request Military Access in their country. I see the British are also committed.
The Qing Dynasty refuses are Call to Arms. The Soviets have no defencers!!! I'm peeved with these damn Chinese.
At least I can rely on Iran!
We move into Soviet Russia.
I split up 2nd Army - It now only covers the Turkish portion of the border.
The newly created Army 6 can operate from Iran.... 
....and will march into Azerbaijan which was annexed by the Soviets last year.
The Germans don't like Communists either and are raring to go!
The UK calls Nepal into the war thereby widening the front.
we receive permission to enter Afghanistan.
09 Mar 1920: Now it is public.
Austria-Hungary wants to join and I accept their offer.
Now it's official....
This really surprised me. The United Kingdom joins the Central Powers!!!! Well King George V and Kaiser Wilhelm II are cousins!
Japan joins Commintern and Austria-Hungary calls the UK into the conflict. The Great War 2.0?
The last deed of the day is to activate my Airforce in eastern Turkey.
That ends this chaotic post. I'll get more confusing! 
