USA - Supporting The Dutch East Indies - 05 Nov to 07 Nov 1940

05 Nov 1940: I ask for Military Access....
....and they accept.
I order Cruiser Division 3 to Patrol in the Java Sea.
There are two ports on this island so I send an Infantry Division to both of them.
I also send an Infantry Division to Surabaya on Java.
Two Battle Force Fleets are on their way to Java Sea.
I call Philippines into the war.
I request all 9 divisions they have available....
....and assign them to my Army Philippines.
I add two more Infantry Divisions from Jarvis and Phoenix Islands.
I order the 21st Philippines Division to Batavia. That's all the Ports covered.
07 Nov 1940: We've found an enemy Fleet and if the commander is smart he'll get out of there.
We are part of the American-German War.
My Army production is looking much better. I can soon start recruiting again.
I assign 2 Infantry Diisions from 2nd Army to Army Philippines....
....then ship them to Maluku Island.
I order the 81st 'Wildcat' Division to Palawan.
That's possibly the same Fleet mentioned earlier.
Now that troops are arriving I can think of amphibious assaults. 
