USA - Problems in the Americas - 17 Jun to 10 Jul 1940

17 Jun 1940: Chile has been busy. 
I ask for Military Access in Guatemala.
19 Jun 1940: I receive the Military access.
24 Jun 1940: Now Venezuela joins the Axis. France and Germany are interfering too much in Latin America.
27 Jun 1940: I assign 1st Army to a portion of the frontline between France and Germany.
30 Jun 1940: Luxembourg is still holding off the Germans and the French have plenty of troops in their Maginot Line.
02 Jul 1940: I select 'Radio Propaganda' which gives me +5% War Support.
According to the War Summary the Axis are losing this conflict. I'm not so sure.
I`ve lost 1000's of Infantry Equipment. Where?
08 Jul 1940: I attempt a thrust into Germany but after a few days I give in. France is no real help. They like this 'Sitzkrieg' strategy.
10 Jul 1940: I'm going to try the Italian Front.
I'm creating 9th Army to send to Honduras. I take the 85th and 90th Infantry Divisions out of training and add the 34th and 41st Infantry Divisions from Army Mexico.
I ship 9th Army to Honduras.
I stop recruiting new Infantry Divisions.
I prioritize Infantry Equipment on the Army production chart.
I also Pay Farm Subsidies to keep Congress happy.
The Resistance Levels in Canada are worrisome....
....but they are stable in Mexico.
The Americas need attention. I may have to recall 1st Army but we are a long way from that decision. 
